10 acres estate for sale 4kms from kasargod -banglore sh
₹ 20000000

10acres agricultural land for sale in ksd dist 4kms from highway and 100m frm tar road.Land is located 1km away from famous adoor temple and 14 kms from sullia town .40 kms from ksd town this land have 600 rubbertrees (marked),4000 arecanut trees getting yield between90-120 quintal annually,morethan 200 coconuttrees. hi breed cocoa plants are planted in systematic manner(getting yield). more than 200 teak trees are there in the estate,bananaplants. 1000mahagony trees are planted along the border of estate.Water is abunduned 3huge ponds are there with sprinkler irrigationsystem and with 3 phase line. there is a3bedroomhouse,an outhouse for servants and a cowshed interested parties can contact suitable for investment annually 20-25 laks income brokers are also welcome
Posted On : 01 January 2015
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