2420 sqft two storied independent bungalow in 25 cents
₹ 33880

This is 2,420 sqft two storied independent bungalow in 25 cents with 6 rooms having vitrified tile flooring, built in cupboards, large living/dining, pantry, kitchen, store, work area, maids room; separate maids toilet, ample corporation water & well water etc.... has additional 1,600sqft truss roofing on top.. has parking space for 3 cars and 10 bikes. well maintained property. excellent for office purpose. location - on the way from paruthippara to muttada, on the right side after federal bank, is thoppil lane. this property is in plot no. 11. those genuinely interested may directly contact the owner. thanks
Posted On : 21 May 2016
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